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#209 : Première fois

Avec l'aide de Teddy, Jackie oraganis à Silver une fête de demi-anniversaire qui la ramène dans son enfance.

Navid voit Adrianna acheter des drogues chez Jasper, ce qui force Navid à confronter ce dernier en l'accusant de dealer.

Dixon est déterminé à faire face à la situation avec Sasha et sa fausse couche ce qui pousse Harry et Debbie à lui avouer qu'elle avait en fait menti sur sa grossesse.

Annie et Jasper se confient leur sentiments et décident en conséquence de passer à l'étape supérieure dans leur relation.

Après s'être bagarré sur la plage, Liam, avec l'aide de Dixon, Teddy et Ivy, monte un plan pour se venger de Jen.


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A Trip To The Moon

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Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Rick Rosenthal
Scénaristes : Paul Sciarotta, Jennie Snyder Urman

Guests : Pas d'invités dans cet épisode.

Harry demande à Dixon s'il se sent mieux après que Sasha ait rompu avec lui. Harry dit qu'il a parlé à son entraîneur et qu'il souhaite son retour dans l'équipe de surf. Dixon dit que depuis qu'il a sauté des cours, il en subit les conséquences.
Harry va ensuite raconter à Debbie ses inquiétudes à propos de Dixon.

Silver aide sa mère à prendre ses médicaments. Elle ouvre son agenda et lui énumère ses rendez-vous du lendemain. La mère de Silver demande quand sa fille est devenue organisée. Silver répond qu'elle est la même depuis qu'elle est enfant, lorsqu'elle organisait des rassemblements de protestation.

À l'école, Naomi demande à Silver si elle organise une fête demi-anniversaire mais cette dernière est trop occupée. Adrianna arrive et s'excuse d'être agaçante ces derniers temps. Après le départ de Silver, Naomi informe Adrianna que Silver ne fête pas son demi-anniversaire comme elle le fait chaque année. Elle lui donne de l'argent pour organiser quelque chose.

Ryan est encore bouleversé. Jen lui a dit que Liam l'a frappée. Ryan déclare alors que le beau-père du jeune homme avait peut-être raison quand il l'a insulté.

Ivy voit que Liam ne va pas bien. Liam lui dit de s'en aller puisqu'elle n'est pas sa petite amie.

Teddy apprend que Silver célèbre son demi-anniversaire. Elle explique que sa mère manque souvent son véritable anniversaire, donc ses demi-anniversaires signifient plus pour elle lorsqu'elle arrive à les passer avec ses amis. Teddy lui demande s'il doit donc lui offrir un demi-DVD, une demi-bouteille de champagne ou la moitié d'un bikini.

Alors que Navid tape son histoire sur l'usage de drogues au lycée, Jasper entre dans la salle du club. Il demande pourquoi Navid a dit à Annie qu'il est un trafiquant de drogue. Navid déclare qu'il a entendu ça d'un ami d'un ami. Jasper lui suggère de vérifier ses sources avant de répandre des rumeurs. Il dit qu'il n'est pas un trafiquant de drogue et que les gens inventent des rumeurs sur lui parce qu'il n'est pas populaire.

Jasper dit à Annie qu'il l'a obtenu pour elle une audition dans un film de Shia LaBeouf après avoir montré quelques scènes de son film à un ami de son père, qui est producteur.

Pendant le déjeuner, Ivy demande aux garçons qu'est ce qui arrive à Liam. Ils lui disent que Liam n'est pas du genre à partager ses sentiments. Ivy dit qu'elle pense que Liam va mal et qu'il est dommage que ses amis ne s'en soucient pas.

Silver sent qu'elle ennuie Adrianna avec ses histoires de prendre soin de sa mère. Silver lui avoue alors qu'elle est devenue amie avec Teddy. Elle explique que les deux ont des expériences similaires puisque leurs mères sont toutes les deux malades. Adrianna lui répond que si Teddy la fait sentir mieux, elle devrait profiter de l'avoir comme ami. Ensuite, elle s'excuse et quitte la salle de bain. Après avoir vérifié que personne n'est là, elle prend de la drogue.

Après l'école, Teddy dépose les devoirs de Silver et une tasse de café. Silver dit qu'elle est occupée parce qu'elle doit ramasser les dossiers médicaux de sa mère. Teddy se propose alors de garder Jackie, la maman de Silver, pendant ce temps là. Silver rentre à la maison et trouve Teddy en train de jouer aux cartes avec Jackie.

Navid voit que Dixon est encore bouleversé par sa rupture avec Sasha. Navid voit Jasper entrer dans la voiture d’Adrianna. Celle-ci demande à Jasper les mêmes pilules que la dernière fois, en sachant qu'elle n'a pas assez d'argent. Jasper lui déclare alors qu'il ne peut pas faire la charité avec tout le monde. Adrianna prend l'argent que Naomi lui a donné et l'utilise pour payer la drogue. Navid regarde Jasper compter son argent après avoir quitté la voiture d'Adrianna.

Tout en écoutant de la musique, Adrianna reçoit un appel de Navid. Elle lui dit qu'elle ne pensait pas qu'il allait appeler. Navid dit qu'il l'a vue acheter de la drogue chez Jasper, mais elle nie cela. Après que Navid lui ait dit qu'il se souciait d'elle, Adrianna lui raccroche au nez.

Dixon dit à ses parents qu'il veut voir Sasha pour savoir si elle va bien. Debbie lui dit que Sasha ne veut probablement pas le voir. Harry dit qu'il devrait rester puisque c'est l'heure du dîner. Dixon leur demande pourquoi ils font de ses problèmes une si grosse affaire. Debbie l'informe que Sasha n'a pas fait une fausse couche, puisqu'elle n'a jamais été enceinte. Debbie avoue qu'elle avait des soupçons et elle est donc allée voir Sasha qui cherchait juste un prétexte pour rompre avec lui. Dixon est bouleversé, il se sent incapable de faire à nouveau confiance à Debbie.

Jasper dit Annie qu'elle est incroyable et qu'il est chanceux de l'avoir rencontrée. Annie dit à Jasper qu'elle l'aime. Ils s'embrassent après que Jasper dise qu'il voulait être le premier à déclarer son amour.

Dans le couloir, Navid insulte Jasper. Il l'accuse de vendre de la drogue à Adrianna, mais Jasper dit qu'il a juste prêté à Adrianna de l'argent pour le déjeuner. Jasper dit qu'il n'est pas un dealeur et qu'il ne devrait pas jouer avec lui.

Liam voit un groupe d'hommes sur leur plage et dit à Teddy qu'ils ne devraient pas être autant à l'aise. Teddy lui suggère de se détendre, mais Liam monte d'un ton. Teddy dit à Ivy qu'il a essayé de parler à Liam, sans succès.

Lorsque Silver rentre à la maison, elle découvre que sa mère lui a organisé une fête surprise. Jackie explique que puisqu'elle raté beaucoup de ses anniversaires, elle aimerait en faire un pour rattraper son retard. Silver voit que la maison est décorée avec un thème de l'espace comme elle le voulait pour son septième anniversaire. Jackie dit que Teddy l'a aidée à mettre en place la décoration.

Debbie frappe à la porte et admet à Dixon qu'elle avait tort de ne pas lui dire la vérité plus tôt. Dixon dit qu'il ne peut plus la croire et s'éloigne. Harry ordonne à Dixon d'aller parler à Debbie, mais Dixon dit qu'elle n'est même pas sa vraie mère.

Jackie demande à Silver pourquoi elle voulait faire une fête avec le thème du camping. La jeune fille explique qu'elle aime les films d'horreur qui se déroulent dans les bois. Silver lui déclare que plus le film est effrayant, moins elle pense à ses problèmes. Jackie s'excuse alors de ne pas être là pour elle. Silver a peur de la perdre. Sa mère déclare que son vrai demi-anniversaire est demain et que ses amis ont organisé un barbecue pour célébrer.

Teddy est surpris de voir Dixon à la plage. Ce dernier l'informe que Sasha n'a jamais été enceinte. Ils voient ensuite Liam en train de se battre, ils l'arrêtent alors et lui demandent ce qui se passe. Liam répond que quelqu'un disait des mensonges à son propos à d'autres personnes. Il avoue également qu'il a couché avec Jen après le bal de l'an dernier et que cette dernière essaye de le détruire. Teddy dit alors qu'il veut l'aider à détruire Jen. Liam dit qu'ils n'ont pas à aider, mais Teddy dit qu'ils le feront, car ils sont ses amis.

Annie rentre dans le chambre de Jasper alors qu'il modifie un script de son film. Elle l'informe qu'elle n'a pas eu de rôle dans le film de Shia. Jasper lui demande si elle a entendu parler de Johnny Weissmueller. Elle répond qu'elle ne le connaît pas, Jasper explique que Clark Gable a auditionné avec lui le rôle de Tarzan et ne l'a pas eu. Jasper dit les choses vont aller pour le mieux. Ils s'embrassent après qu'il ait complimenté Annie. Elle lui dit qu'elle l'aime et se déshabille.

Liam s'excuse auprès d'Ivy pour s'être mis en colère contre elle et lui propose ensuite d'aller manger.

Au club de journalisme, un des membres rapporte à Navid que son amie Jennie, qui lui a dit qu'elle a acheté la drogue de Jasper, ne leur parlera pas.

À la maison, Annie reçoit un sms amoureux de Jasper. Dixon frappe à sa porte et s'excuse d'avoir été méchant. Annie dit qu'elle ne se soucie pas de ce qu'il pense, car il n'est pas bien placer pour juger. Dixon demande ce qu'elle veut dire par là, et Annie explique ironiquement que Sasha, qui a menti à propos de sa fausse couche, l'a bien dupé. Dixon dit Annie d'aller en enfer.

Adrianna dit à Naomi qu'elle a été volée et qu'elle n'est donc pas en mesure d'acheter un cadeau pour Silver. Naomi lui demande si elle a appelé la police. Adrianna dit qu'elle a fait, mais ils ne peuvent rien faire puisqu'elle n'a pas vu le voleur. Naomi réconforte Adrianna.

Dans la matinée, Teddy appelle Silver et lui souhaite un joyeux demi-anniversaire. Elle le remercie pour avoir décoré la maison avec sa mère. Elle essaye de réveiller sa mère, mais elle n'y arrive pas. Après s'être rendu compte qu'elle ne respirait pas, Silver appelle une ambulance.

At Wilson’s 

Man on TV: Well, well, open sesame. 

Harry: Dixon? 

Man on TV: Serena, we need to re-establish Alpha Base before we can proceed with the mission. 

Dixon: Oh. 

Harry: How you feeling? Any better? I got some good news. I talked to your coach. I explained you’ve been dealing with a lot these past few weeks. Threw around some pretty serious principal rank and guess what? You’re back on the surf team. 

Dixon: Thanks. But, uh, I’m not gonna go back on the team. 

Harry: Why not? 

Dixon: Because I missed the practices, so I should suffer the consequences. 

Harry: There were extenuating circumstances. 

Dixon: Yeah, Sasha was pregnant. And instead of supporting her, I fought with her. Man, I’ve been… I’ve been trying to call her, see if she’s okay. She hasn’t returned any of my phone calls. 

Harry: Yeah, well, you know, that’s… That’s probably because she’s trying to move on. 

Dixon: It’s because she’s devastated. I know it. And I’m supposed to just go on with my life like nothing happened? Just go surfing while she’s suffering, right? How’s that fair? Thanks, but no thanks, Dad. 

Woman on TV: The system is offline. And the lockdown protocol is in effect. If we rebuild, the lockdown will end. 

Harry: Honey? 

Debbie: Hmm. 

Harry: I’m really starting to worry about Dixon. I mean, he seems miserable. 

Debbie: Harry, he’d be more miserable if he knew Sasha manipulated and lied to him. He’d be heartbroken. He’d feel like a fool. 

Harry: I don’t know. 

Debbie: Well, I do. I was right about Sasha, wasn’t I? 

Harry: Yes, you were. 

Debbie: Okay, so trust me. It’s only been a couple of days. He’ll snap out of it and then we can all move on and put this behind us. 

At Jackie’s 

Silver: Rosie really wants blueberries. 

Jackie: Excuse me? 

Silver: Um, Rosie really wants blueberries. Red, red, white, blue. 

Jackie: Of course. 

Silver: Can’t take it on an empty stomach though. Here’s some electrolytes. While you drink that, let’s go over tomorrow’s schedule. All right. Nurse is gonna come at 8:30 and it’s Janet. It’s not her day, but I told Lynette that she could swap with her for next Tuesday. Anyway, Janet’s gonna take you to the oncologist at 11, which is all written down right here. You’re scheduled to have a CBC to check your platelets and your fibrinogen levels. And for medications for tomorrow, everything’s written down right here according to what you take, what time, and with or without food. So if you have any questions, just refer to the binder. Sound good? What? 

Jackie: When did you get so organized? 

Silver: Uh, I’ve always been organized. 

Jackie: You? 

Silver: Yeah, heh. Remember in 5th grade, I organized the class trip to the SanDiego Zoo? I passed around that petition listing all the reasons why we deserve to go see the giant pandas. Oh. Plus, I mean, you gotta be organized to be a stage manager. I…I…I did stage manage every school play since, like, 7th grade. 

Jackie: Sure. 

Silver: Um, well, anyway, point is I’m organized and it’s helping now. So come on,

Rosie really wants her blueberries. 

At school 

Silver: This history homework is killing me. I’m so over the Battle of the Bulge. 

Naomi: Ha, ha, if you were dating Jamie, you would so not be over “the battle of the bulge.” 

Silver: You’re disgusting. 

Naomi: Ha, ha, you’re jealous. Jamie wants to know if I can go to the frat partySaturday night. No, right? 

Silver: Uh, you tell me. 

Naomi: Well, it’s your half-birthday. What time’s the party? 

Silver: Oh, right, um, I’m actually not gonna have a half-birthday party this year. Just, you know, with everything going on with my mom, there’s just not a lot of time. Hey, look who’s here. 

Adrianna: Hey. 

Naomi: Oh, thank God, I was starting to get worried. 

Adrianna: Hey, guys. 

Silver: Hey, you. 

Naomi: Hey, how you holding up? 

Adrianna: Um, I’m actually doing a lot better. 

Naomi: That’s good, that’s so good. 

Adrianna: I’m sorry I was such a mess. 

Naomi: Unh, are you kidding? You had every right to be a mess. I mean, you…You… You made a stupid mistake and you lost the guy you loved and… I’m not helping. I’m sorry. 

Adrianna: No, it’s okay. I’m okay. 

Silver: That’s good, Ade. And it’s good to see you. I gotta go. But I’ll see you all at lunch? 

Adrianna: Yeah. 

Naomi: Bye. 

Adrianna: How’s she doing? 

Naomi: Oh, I don’t know. Okay. She says she’s okay. She doesn’t want to celebrate her half-birthday. 

Adrianna: What? Well, that would probably help her take her mind off her mom. 

Naomi: Right? Whatever. I’m not done working on her. No matter what, we have to get her a gift. Oh, maybe a massage. 

Adrianna: Oh, that sounds perfect. Uh, but I’m actually running a little low on funds. 

Naomi: Oh my God, don’t need to worry about it. You go pick up the gift certificate, we’ll call it even. 

Adrianna: Okay. 

Naomi: What do you think? 

Adrianna: Oh, that’s so cute. 

Naomi: It’s silly. 

Adrianna: Happy half-birthday. 

Naomi: A hundred and fifty, that should do it. Right? 

Adrianna: Yeah, perfect. 

Naomi: It’s good to have you back, Ade. 

Adrianna: It’s really good to be back. 


Liam: Hey, man, I wanna talk to you. Look, I didn’t hit on Jen, okay? And honestly, Mr. Matthews, that woman is a psychotic bitch. 

Ryan: Yeah, enough. Okay? 

Liam: Well, she is. 

Ryan: You know what? I’m starting to think your stepdad was right. Okay? Maybe you are a bad seed. 

Ivy: Okay, so John Campos dares me to eat ten packets of butter this morning. I don’t mean to brag, but I had 11. He get five, I swear he was gonna hurl all over the cafeteria. 

Liam: That’s great. 

Ivy: Is everything okay? 

Liam: It’s fine. 

Ivy: Really? Because you don’t seem fine. What’s wrong? 

Liam: Nothing. 

Ivy: Well, obviously it’s something. What’s going on? Liam, dude, what is it? 

Liam: Just back off. You’re not my girlfriend. 

Naomi: Okay, another reason to have your half-birthday soiree, I just bought a ridiculously hot dress and you’ll get to see me in it 

Silver: Tempting, but I’ll pass. 

Teddy: Pass on what? 

Silver: Um, seeing Naomi look ridiculously hot. 

Naomi: Silver’s half-birthday party, which she’s trying to cancel for the first time in years. Oh. Okay, I gotta go. Jamie’s here. Listen, just promise you’ll think about it. My dress is… Picture lots of cleavage, excellent ass. It’s amazing. 

Silver: Hmm, we’ll find another occasion for it, maybe bowling or something. 

Naomi: Hnh. 

Teddy: Half-birthday party, huh? You so don’t seem like the type of person that would make a biggie out of their half-birthday. 

Silver: Yeah, well, it’s a long story. 

Teddy: It’s a long walk to class. 

Silver: Okay, for my 10th birthday, um, all my friends and I were gonna go camping in my backyard. I was super excited. I mean, like, counting the days excited. Um, on my birthday, my mom got trashed and I had to cancel the party. She’d missed birthdays before. She’d gotten drunk or just forgotten, but, I don’t know, this one, this was the last straw. I just gave up on birthdays in general. Like, too many expectations. 

Teddy: And half-birthdays? 

Silver: You don’t have high expectations and you can’t get let down. 

Teddy: So, what does one get a person for their half-birthday present? A half DVD, just special features? A half bottle of champagne? I know. Half bikini. 

Silver: Perv. No. 

Teddy: Okay, all right. How about a half spring-break trip? It wouldn’t be so bad. One way trip to Cabo. 

Gia (on recording): Despite the recent overdose set at Malibu Canyon High, the students are seemingly apathetic. Teen drug use has reared its ugly head at West Bev before. Is the case at Malibu Canyon an isolated incident or an indication of a larger yet uncovered problem plaguing the Los Angeles school system? 

Jasper: Hey. 

Navid: Hey. 

Jasper: Look, I don’t think we’ve officially met. Jasper. 

Navid: Navid. 

Jasper: So why would you tell Annie I’m a drug dealer? 

Navid: Uh, look, that’s what I heard. 

Jasper: From who? 

Navid: A friend of mine. She said you sold to a friend of hers. 

Jasper: I assume you didn’t talk to this friend of a friend? 

Navid: Well, no but… 

Jasper: Right, because if you did, you would have realized that it’s not true. I mean, c’mon man, don’t you check your sources before you publish your stories? 

Navid: Yeah, of course. 

Jasper: Of course you do. Well, I wish you’d give me the same respect, that’s all. Hey, look, for the record, I’m not a drug dealer. Just a guy who doesn’t have a lot of friends here. Never have. Not a popular kid. And because of that, people like to spread rumors about me. I guess I should be used to it by now. People gossiping, you know? But, I don’t know, still feels crappy. 




Annie: Hey you, I missed you all morning. 

Jasper: I missed you too. You wanna go to Quality for lunch? 

Annie: Sounds good. 

Jasper: Look, I have some pretty big news. 

Annie: Really? 

Jasper: Mm-hm. 

Annie: What? 

Jasper: How do you think we should get to Quality? Beverly or Burton? No wait, I was thinking Beverly but Beverly can get so busy this time of day. So… 

Annie: So then take Burton, heh. What’s the big news? 

Jasper: Do you know sometimes I take Olympic? Once in a while, and, I mean, it’s like smooth sailing completely. 

Annie: Uh-huh, what’s the news? 

Jasper: Oh, that? Well, I cut a few scenes together for my movie and showed it my father. Now, granted, the guy, he produces big-budget movies, most of which are completely soulless, but still, he responded to it. He liked it. 

Annie: Oh, God. That’s great. 

Jasper: But that’s not even the best part. 

Annie: What? 

Jasper: There’s a Shia Labeouf movie, there’s a small part, my dad’s producing, and I got you an audition. 

Annie: Oh my God, are you…Are you serious? 

Jasper: I’m dead serious. 

Annie: Oh. Ah. 

Jasper: You just have to promise me that when you’re a big movie star, you’ll still have time for me.

Annie: Well, I promise. Because, I mean, after all, I’ll still need someone to get me coffee. 

Ivy: What up guys? 

Navid: Hey. 

Dixon: Hey. 

Teddy: Hey, what’s up? 

Ivy: Where’s Liam? Is he coming to lunch? 

Teddy: Don’t know. He was in a nasty mood. Bit my head off earlier. Is it true you downed like ten butter packets this morning? 

Ivy: Eleven, actually. 

Teddy: Eleven. 

Ivy: So, what… What do you guys think is going on with him? 

Teddy: Who knows? Ooh, they’ve got curly fries. 

Navid: I’m more of a Tater Tot man myself. 

Dixon: Dude, you can’t say “Tater Tot” and “man” in the same sentence. 

Ivy: Did you ask him what was wrong? 

Teddy: Liam? No. 

Ivy: Why not? 

Dixon: Dude, Liam’s not the “talk about your feelings” kind of guy. 

Ivy: Yeah okay, but what if something’s actually wrong? 

Teddy: I haven’t smelled dead bodies coming from his car. So that is a good sign. 

Ivy: Guys, this isn’t a joke. Okay? I mean, he’s obviously really upset about something. And it’s kind of sad that the people who supposed to be his friends don’t even really seem to care. Excuse me. 

Silver: I swear, every year I forget about the Santa Anas and then one morning, I’ll wake up… And I’m boring you. 

Adrianna: No. Just… Okay, maybe a little. 

Silver: I’m sorry, I’m nervous. I just, um… I know that you saw me with Teddy and I wanted to explain. I wanted to talk you about it earlier but since everything that was going on with your breakup, the timing wasn’t right. Um… Teddy and I are… We sort of, um… We’re friends. And I feel so badly about that because of everything that happened between you two. But his mom, she had cancer too. And he’s been really helpful. So I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner. But, um, if you don’t want me to be friends with him, then I won’t. That’s what I’ll do. I…I will stop being friends with him. 

Adrianna: I just want you to be happy. So if being friends with Teddy is gonna help you deal with your mom, go for it. 

Silver: Really? 

Adrianna: Really, I’m fine. 

Silver: Ade, thank you. Thank you. 

Adrianna: Of course. Okay, I’ll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom. 

[Adrianna’s taking drugs]


Silver: There’s no way that your office can deliver the records to our house? No, uh, no, that’s… That’s okay. Yeah, I’ll figure it out. Hi. 

Teddy: I don’t usually do home delivery, so this will be extra. Your homework and a black coffee. 

Silver: Thank you so much. I needed this. 

Teddy: Everything okay? 

Silver: Yeah. Um, it’s just my mom has to see this new doctor tomorrow, she needs her medical records, which I was gonna pick up back to school, but then her nurse had a familial emergency… 

Teddy: I’ll pick them up. 

Silver: That’s sweet, but you can’t. I have to sign for them. 

Teddy: Then I’ll stay here with your mom while you go pick up her records. 

Silver: Um, I don’t think… 

Teddy: I have plenty of experience with sick moms. Trust me, I got it covered. 

Silver: Thirty minutes. Oh, thank you so much. 

Teddy: I’ll just add it to your tab. 

Navid: You okay, man? 

Dixon: Yeah, yeah. 

Navid: Thinking about Sasha, huh? 

Dixon: Yeah, you know? I just wish she knew how sorry I am. 

Navid: Yeah, I hear you, man. Uh, speaking of apologies… Catch you later, okay? 

Dixon: Yeah, cool. 

Jasper: Fancy meeting you here. 

Adrianna: Yeah. I want the same stuff I got last time, but I only have 20. So could you just sell me a few pills now and then I’ll buy the rest later or something? 

Jasper: Sorry, this isn’t an “à la carte” service. Call me when you have the money. 

Adrianna: No, wait. Wait. Um… Here. 

Jasper: That’s more like it. You know where to find me. 

At Jackie’s 

Jackie: Ha, ha. Really? Oh, so you don’t like commitments? 

Teddy: No, not this time. You gonna take it? 

Jackie: I think I will take my chances on lady luck. Oh, and it’s a good thing I did. 

Teddy: Ooh, careful there, your suits are showing. You’re throwing down a six? Bad move. Next hand, double or nothing. 

Jackie: You are on, sucker. 

Silver: Hey. 

Jackie: Hey, you. 

Teddy: Your mom is going down. Oh, boom! 

Jackie: No way! 

Teddy: How’s that for bringing it, hmm? What you got now? 

[On the phone.] 
Adrianna: Hello? 

Navid: Hey. It’s, uh… 

Adrianna: I know. 

Navid: Right. Hi. 

Adrianna: Hi. I didn’t think you’d be calling. Heh. But I’m glad. 

Navid: Ade, I saw you buying drugs today. 

Adrianna: What? 

Navid: Why would you start using again? 

Adrianna: I’m not. 

Navid: I saw you in your car with Jasper. 

Adrianna: Okay, look, whatever you think you saw, you were wrong. 

Navid: Ade, are you serious right now? 

Adrianna: Why are you even calling? I thought I wasn’t your problem anymore. 

Navid: Come on, I…I still care about you, okay? Ade? Ade… 

At Wilson’s
Dixon: Hey, uh, I’ll be back in about an hour. I gotta go run by Sasha’s. 

Debbie: What? 

Dixon: I just wanna go over there, make sure she’s okay. You know, apologize, face-to-face. 

Debbie: Dixon, I don’t… I don’t think that’s a good idea. 

Dixon: You know, it may not be, but I still gotta try. No, I gotta let her know that I’m here for her. 

Debbie: Well, that’s all well and good, but I think it’s obvious that Sasha doesn’t wanna see you right now. 

Dixon: Yeah, because I was being a jerk and I made her feel like she was alone, which is why I have to go apologize… 

Harry: Now is not the time. We’re about to sit down for dinner. 

Dixon: Okay, fine, then I’ll go after. 

Debbie: Honey. 

Dixon: What? Why you guys making such a big deal out of this? 

Debbie: Dixon, sit down. I have something to tell you. Sasha didn’t have a miscarriage. 

Dixon: What? 

Debbie: She wasn’t pregnant. 

Dixon: Wait? I don’t understand. What are you talking about? 

Debbie: I had some suspicions. A lot of what she said didn’t add up. So I went to see her and I caught her in some lies. I guess she said she had a miscarriage to save face. 

Dixon: She wasn’t really pregnant? 

Debbie: No, she wasn’t. 

Dixon: And…And you guys knew about this all along? 

Debbie: Look, your father wanted to tell you, but I… I wanted to protect you. I didn’t want you to get your heart broken and not trust women. 

Dixon: Well, now I know one woman I can’t trust. 


At Jasper’s. 

Annie: No, it doesn’t hurt. Why should it? Go, go, have a great time. I couldn’t care less. 

Jasper: That was great. You are incredible. 

Annie: You don’t have to lie. I know I’m not great. 

Jasper: I wish you could see yourself the way that I see you. You’d never have a moment of self-doubt, ever. 

Annie: Stop. 

Jasper: No, I’m serious. You’re beautiful, talented, soulful… Sometimes I just… I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found you. Okay, back to work. Where werewe? Um… But I won’t have a great time without you. Don’t you understand? I’m asking you to come with me. 

Annie: I love you. 

Jasper: That’s not your line. 

Annie: I know. Oh, I’m…I’m… I’m sorry, I… I shouldn’t have said anything. Clearly, you don’t feel the same way. 

Jasper: No, Annie, it’s just that I wanted to be the one who said it first. 

At school. 

Navid: You scumbag. 

Jasper: Whoa. Good morning to you too, man. 

Navid: I saw you with Ade. I saw you selling to her. 

Jasper: Whatever you think you saw… 

Navid: No, you went into her car, and you came out with cash. What else did I have to see? 

Jasper: I spotted her lunch money. I told her it was on me. She insisted, she paid me back. She’s a nice girl you know, why’d you two break up? 

Navid: You stay the hell away from her. All right? 

Jasper: Or what? Look, I’ll say it one last time, I’m not a drug dealer. But if I was, I wouldn’t be the kind of guy you’d wanna mess with, would I? 

Navid: You threatening me? 

Jasper: Not at all. Like I said, not a drug dealer. 

At beach.

Liam: Who are those guys? 

Ivy: I don’t know. They must have heard the waves were breaking out here. 

Liam: Yeah, well, this is our beach. Better not get in our way. 

Teddy: Dude, chill. 

Liam: You chill. Can you not use all my wax? 

Teddy: Yo, everything okay, man? 

Liam: Yes, I’m fine. 

Teddy: I tried. 

At Jackie’s
Jackie: Silver, I’m in here. Happy birthday! 

Silver: Oh. What? I… I don’t understand. 

Jackie: I missed so many of your birthdays. I wanted to make it up to you before it was too late. So welcome. You’re 7, by the way. 

Silver: When I wanted to be an astronaut. Ha, ha. 

Jackie: Now, come here. 

Silver: What? Oh, my God, a fish-bowl space helmet? Really? 

Jackie: Put it on. 

Silver: Ha, ha. You might not think this is as exciting at my age, but it totally is. 

Jackie: Would you like a glass of Tang? 

Silver: Uh, kind of hard to drink through the helmet. 

Jackie: Now, I’m not sure the constellations are accurate. 

Silver: This is incredible. 

Jackie: There’s so much more to see. 

Silver: There’s more? Are you…? 

Jackie: Like I said, I missed a lot of birthdays. 

Silver: I must be 12, when I was obsessed with the ‘80s. 

Jackie: Oh, duh! 

Silver: Oh, radical, dude. Yes. How did you do all of this, Mom? 

Jackie: I had a little help from the nurses. The biggest help was Teddy. He was here for hours with one of his dad’s fancy-shmancy set-designer friends. 

Silver: Wow, I mean, this is… This is all so… All so wow. 

At Wilson’s. 

Debbie: Honey? Dixon, I understand why you’re upset. My intentions were good, but obviously, I was wrong. 

Dixon: I can’t believe you. 

Debbie: Dixon. Dixon, please. Dixon, just stop. I just wanna talk to you. 

Harry: Hey, Dixon, come on. I know you’re upset with your mom. 

Dixon: Whatever. It’s not like she’s my real mom. 

At Jackie’s

Jackie: So, what made you want a camping party in the first place? 

Silver: Horror movies. In every good horror movie, there’s always a scary camping scene. 

Jackie: I’ll never understand where you got your love of being terrified. 

Silver: It gets you out of your head. You know? I mean, the scarier the movie, the more I could just forget all my problems. 

Jackie: Me. 

Silver: You… You were just never there, which was hard. You not coming to the plays that I stage managed. Worrying about you when you didn’t come home at night. Just hoping that you were okay.

Jackie: Honey, I am so sorry, which makes up for nothing. But… 

Silver: No, it does. This does. I was so scared that you… That you would die and I wouldn’t have anything good to hold onto. But now I do. Now I have my 10th birthday party where we went camping. 

Jackie: Oh, honey. 

Silver: Enough with the sappiness, eat your marshmallow. 

Jackie: Well, just remember to save your appetite. Tomorrow is your official half-birthday. All your friends are coming over for a big barbecue. 

Silver: Are you serious? 

Jackie: You’ve been celebrating your half-birthday for years. And I am glad that I finally get to be a part of it. 

Silver: Me too. Cheers. Awesome. 

At beach. 

Teddy: Hey, didn’t think you’d make it. Been a little MIA lately. 

Dixon: Yeah. I get alerts on my phone that let me know how the waves are breaking. So you know I couldn’t resist when I heard about these swells. Plus, you know, I just had to get out of the house. 

Teddy: Everything okay, man? 

Dixon: Turns out Sasha wasn’t really pregnant. 

Teddy: What? 

Dixon: Yeah, she lied about the whole thing. Man, I wish I’d get alerts that let me know when crazy girls are approaching. 

Teddy: Heh, they probably got an app for that. 

Dixon: And I bet it beeps nonstop. 

Liam: Hey, what the hell, man? 

Man: You tell me dude, that was my wave. 

Liam: Like hell it was. 

Man: Don’t push me. 

Teddy: Hey! Hey! 

Ivy: Back off. 

Liam: Get off me. He’s a punk. 

Dixon: We’re leaving. 

Liam: No, we’re not. 

Teddy: Yes, we are. Dude, what the hell? 

Dixon: Relax. Hey, Liam? Hey. Hey. Hey! What was that back there? 

Liam: That guy was being a jerk. 

Teddy: You were the jerk. What the hell is going on, man? 

Liam: Nothing. 

Teddy: No, it’s not nothing. You nearly got us in a fight back there and you’re gonna tell us why. 

Liam: Back off, man. 

Teddy: Or what? You gonna hit me? 

Dixon: Try it. You can’t take both of us down. 

Ivy: Make that all three of us. 

Liam: What is your problem? 

Dixon: We don’t have a problem. 

Ivy: Liam, we’re your friends. 

Teddy: And friends tell each other what the hell is going on. So come on, what the hell’s going on? 

Liam: Someone’s been telling lies about me. All right? 

Teddy: Who, Liam? 

Liam: Jen, Naomi’s sister. 

Teddy: That super-hot Amazon chick from the N.E.R.D party? Sorry, she wasn’t that hot. 

Ivy: What’d she say? 

Liam: Oh, she told Matthews that I hit on her. She told my mother that I was stalking Naomi. All sorts of stuff. 

Teddy: What? 

Ivy: Why? 

Liam: Forget about it. 

Teddy: We’ll wait you out man. 

Dixon: And believe me, we can wait all night. 

Ivy: Mm-hm. 

Teddy: Tell us why, dude. 

Liam: Last year at the after-prom party, she was the person that I… That I had sex with. 

Dixon: So wait, so… So it wasn’t Annie? 

Liam: I told you it wasn’t. 

Dixon: I know, but I still thought… 

Ivy: You had sex with Naomi’s sister? 

Liam: No ,no, it wasn’t like that. She told me she was her neighbor. She’s full of lies, this woman. And she’s been trying to destroy me since last year. 

Dixon: That’s messed up. 

Liam: I’m gonna destroy Jen, before she destroys me. Just don’t know how I’m gonna do it. 

Teddy: It’s not how you’re gonna do it, it’s how we’re gonna do it. 

Dixon: Hell, yeah. 

Teddy: Yeah. 

Ivy: That Amazon bitch ain’t gonna know what hit her. We’ll get her right in the kneecaps. 

Liam: You guys, you don’t have to do this. 

Teddy: We know we don’t have to, but we’re your friends, remember? 

At Jasper’s. 

Annie: Hey. 

Jasper: Hey. What’s wrong? 

Annie: I just got the call, I didn’t get the part. 

Jasper: My dad is such an idiot. Look, I know you were so much better than all those other girls. 

Annie: Yeah, well, apparently not. 

Jasper: You ever hear of Johnny Weissmuller? No? Exactly. But Clark Gable, he lost the role of Tarzan to him. You will get your part, Jane. 

Annie: Heh, yeah, maybe. 

Jasper: No “maybe”, you will. You’re a star. You’re an old-fashioned star. You’re so talented, it’s incredible. Not to mention beautiful. You’re an extraordinary person,

Annie. You’re so vulnerable, and yet so strong. So innocent, but also wise. I mean, you’re Annie. 

Annie: Thank you. Jasper. 

Jasper: Yeah? 

Annie: I love you. 

Jasper: I love you too. 

Annie: And… And I… I want my first time to be with you. 

Jasper: Are you sure that you’re ready? 

Annie: Positive. 

At beach. 

Liam: Hey. So look, uh… I owe you an apology. 

Ivy: No, no, dude, I totally get why you snapped at me. You obviously had a lot going on. 

Liam: No, no, no, about what I said in the hall, about you not being my girlfriend. I… I know you don’t think you’re my girlfriend. 

Ivy: Yeah, no kidding. We’re just having fun, dude, that’s all. 

Liam: So we’re cool? 

Ivy: Yeah, totally. 

Liam: Good. Hey, do you maybe wanna grab something to eat? See who can, uh, scarf down the most ketchup packets? 

Ivy: Cute… Um… Maybe another time. 

Liam: All right, catch you later. 

Ivy: Hey, you know what? I am pretty hungry, so, what the hell? 

Liam: What are you in the mood for? 

Ivy: Um, tacos. 

Liam: Really? Tacos and ketchup? 

At school. 

Gia: Thanks anyway. No luck, boss. I just talked to my friend, Jenny, the one who said she bought drugs from Jasper. She won’t help us. 

Navid: We have to find a way to prove it. I wanna bring this dirtbag down. 

At Wilson’s

Dixon: Hey. 

Annie: Hi. 

Dixon: Look, I… I just came to apologize. You know, I should have trusted you when you told me… 

Annie: Is this about the fact that you called Jasper sketchy? 

Dixon: No, actually. 

Annie: Of course not. Whatever. I don’t even know why I care what you think. I mean, you’re clearly not a very good judge of character. 

Dixon: What’s that supposed to mean? 

Annie: I don’t know, your girlfriend faked a miscarriage. Sounds like a real winner. 

Dixon: Go to hell. 

At Beach Club

Adrianna: Naomi. 

Naomi: Ade, hey, what’s wrong? 

Adrianna: Uh… I went to the spa to buy the gift certificate for Silver, and I got out of my car and out of nowhere there was this guy. He grabbed my purse. 

Naomi: Oh, my God, are you okay? 

Adrianna: Yeah. He took everything. You know, my credit cards, the money for Silver’s gift, everything. 

Naomi: I don’t care about the money. I care about you. Did you call the police? 

Adrianna: Yeah, they came and I filed a report. They can’t do much because I didn’t see the guy. It just happened so quickly. It was so scary. 

Naomi: Oh, I’m sorry, it’s gonna be okay. 

[On the phone.] 

Teddy: Did I wake you? 

Silver: Actually, yes. 

Teddy: Good. I wanted to be the first person to wish you a happy half-birthday. 

Silver: Thank you, ha, ha, for everything. Hey, last night with my mom, it was… It was perfect. 

Teddy: Well, I’m glad. So I’ll see you at the barbecue? 

Silver: Yeah, can’t wait. Bye, Teddy. Mom? Time to wake up. It’s my half-birthday. Mom? Mom? Fine, you don’t have to get up because it’s my birthday, you gotta get up to take your pills. Mom? Mom? Mom? Yeah, I need an ambulance.

Rédigée par Ptichoco

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