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#123 : Tolérance zéro

Avec le bal de promo qui approche, Annie, Adrianna, Naomi et Silver se font relookées par un célèbre styliste.

Le bal de promo de West Bev', qui a pour thème Hollywood, réserve plein de surprises, mais Harry prévient dès le début ses élèves que toute soirée après le bal de promo, non sponsorisée par le lycée sera sanctionnée sévèrement.

Naomi apprend que Jen a dépassé le plafond de sa carte de crédit pour acheter les fournitures de leur nouvelle maison, mais elle oublie vite ses problèmes lorsque Liam lui demande d'être sa cavalière pour le bal. 

Liam continue à taquiner Annie à propos du compte à rebours enclenché, avant qu'elle ne montre sa véritable facette. Mais cette dernière, pour lui prouver qu'il a tort, accepte l'invitation d'un geek qui fait du théâtre, Charlie, au bal. Mais lorsqu'il réalise que les intentions d'Annie étaient purement platoniques, il est furieux et avide de revanche.

Kelly tente d'avertir Ryan à propos de la personnalité sournoise de Jen, mais il interprète cet avertissement comme de la jalousie.

Navid confronte Ty lors d'une bagarre à propos du fait qu'il a abandonné son futur enfant, mais il se précipite auprès d'Adrianna lorsqu'elle s'apprête à accoucher.

Dixon est surpris d'apprendre qu'il est nominé pour Roi du Bal et Silver est encore plus surprise lorsqu'elle a l'opportunité de parler devant ses camarades.

Enfin, Ethan est accepté au camp d'été de crosse et Kelly et Harry oeuvrent pour remettre Liam dans le droit chemin.


5 - 1 vote

Titre VO
Zero Tolerance

Titre VF
Tolérance zéro

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Extended Promo

Extended Promo


Extrait #1 - Début de l'épisode (VO)

Extrait #1 - Début de l'épisode (VO)


Scènes #1 - Naomi/Liam (VO)

Scènes #1 - Naomi/Liam (VO)


Scènes #2 - Annie/Liam (VO)

Scènes #2 - Annie/Liam (VO)


Extrait avec Lily Collins (VF)

Extrait avec Lily Collins (VF)


Photos promo

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Photo de l'épisode #1.23

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Nick Marck
Scénario : Gayle Abrams, Jennie Snyder


Chuck Carte Charlie Pinkwater
Patrick Sebes Jared
April Marie Eden Tanner
Dwight Ewell Mr. Irving
Missy Crider Becky UberStylist

Le proviseur Wilson avertit les élèves : il n'y aura pas d'after-party après le bal de promo. Trop d'élèves ont fait des comas éthyliques après ce genre de fêtes.

Les sœurs Clark reçoivent les meubles livrés à leur nouvel appartement. Naomi demande à Jen des conseils sur la façon de se faire inviter par Liam au bal.

Pendant ce temps, Liam est dans le bureau d'Harry et Kelly. Le beau-père de Liam a appelé et il est inquiet à propos de sa stabilité et envisage à l'envoyer dans une école militaire. Liam décide alors de se mettre au service de la communauté scolaire.

Silver se prépare pour le bal en faisant un bronzage par pulvérisation. La dame s'occupant de la cabine de bronzage lui suggère de faire un brushing, des ongles en acrylique et de se raser partout le jour même.

Liam propose à Naomi de l'accompagner au bal. Elle, bien sûr, est très excitée à cette nouvelle et répond "oui".

Liam continue de dire à Annie qu'elle est une gentille personne cachant sa méchanceté avec un sourire. Cela étant dit, quand le geek du théâtre, Charlie, lui propose de l'accompagner au bal. Annie dit oui, même si elle indique clairement qu’elle n’est pas si "ravie".

Ethan et Dixon essaient de choisir la meilleure tenue pour Dixon à porter au bal. Ethan dit à son ami qu'il a été choisi pour le camp de Lacrosse. Il ne semble pas trop emballé à ce sujet cependant. Ethan décide d'aller au bal à la dernière minute, avec Silver et Dixon.

Harry veut qu'Annie lui dise quelles sont les fêtes dans lesquelles il y aura de la drogue et de l'alcool.

Les filles font des essayages pour le bal et Adrianna trouve même une robe de maternité à porter. Mais lors du paiement, il y'a des problèmes avec la carte de crédit de Naomi. Elle est refusée.

Naomi rentre voir Jen à la maison pour lui parler de la carte. Elle découvre que Jen va au bal avec Ryan et qu'elle a utilisé sa carte de crédit pour tous ces achats depuis son retour à Los Angeles. Naomi lui pardonne quand même.

La nuit du bal arrive et tout le monde est sur son 31. Navid voit Ty et ne se montre pas vraiment agréable à son égard.

Pour l'élection du roi et de la reine du bal, Annie n'est pas sélectionnée mais Dixon oui.

Alors que le bal bat son plein, Harry arrête la chanson et prévient qu'il a entendu une rumeur selon laquelle il y a un after-party. Tout le monde pense alors qu'Annie a tout dit à son père.

Jen trouve Kelly dans les toilettes et lui dit que si elle ne l'a pas recommandée à l'université de Yale, en la décrivant comme une "narcissique sans morale", ce n'était pas personnel. Jen est quelqu'un de mauvais.

Dixon est élu roi du bal et Silver est sacrée reine. Silver ne veut pas de ce titre donc Naomi prend la couronne d'argent sans aucune hésitation.

Ethan décide de rendre visite à son père dans le Montana et faire de la randonnée au lieu de jouer au lacrosse.

La rumeur à propos d'Annie parlant à son père de l'after-party se répend.

Silver va voir Dixon et lui dit qu'elle veut revenir à West Beverly, mais Dixon a mal pris le fait qu'elle l’ait qualifié de "mouton".

Ethan vient féliciter Silver pour le discours qu'elle a prononcé.

Kelly conseille à Ryan de se méfier de Jen. Mais ce dernier prend sa préoccupation pour de la jalousie. En réalité, Kelly essaye juste d'être une amie et c'est pour cela qu'elle lui signale que Jen est encore marié à un gars nommé Olivier.

Liam et Naomi se promènent et trouvent Kelly sur les escaliers à prendre un peu l'air. Elle vend la mèche sur le beau-père de Liam qui serait heureux d'apprendre que Liam est venu au bal.

Naomi avoue enfin combien elle aime Liam. A l'inverse, Liam ne semble pas trop heureux à ce sujet. Mais au bout d'un certain temps, il commence s'ouvrir à Naomi et lui parle de sa famille.

Navid tente d'attaquer Ty, profitant de l'absence d'Adrianna. Mais il obtient un coup de poing à la place. Pendant ce temps, Adrianna perd les eaux.

A la fin de l'épisode, Liam et Naomi dansent ensemble, sous la neige.

Previously on 90210: This is my sister.
This is Jen.
- Do you really wanna live together?|- Absolutely.
For real.
Where do you wanna live? I can't go to prom.
|I can't deal with West Beverly kids yet.
I'm pregnant, and it's your baby.
- Are you trying to ruin my life, Ade?|- You are a volcano.
This whole good-girl routine,|it's just a mask.
But when you finally|can't take it anymore and you explode, it's gonna be fantastic.
I would enjoy having dinner with you.
|How about tomorrow? Why the hell not? I don't wanna be some booty call.
I'm not the type of girl you run into at|a restaurant and take into a bathroom.
Would you go to the prom with me? - Really?|- Really.
We got the house.
The bank is saying|it might take up to a week to sort out.
I still don't want you|to pay with your money.
- But I don't mind.
|- Oh, you're so sweet.
I thought the prom was fun,|but this after-prom party's even better.
This year, after-prom parties will|lead to very serious consequences.
All joking aside, I have a real message|here for the sophomore class.
As you know,|parties after this year's junior prom led to one student being arrested|for DUl, several others being treated|for alcohol poisoning.
Which is why the school board in conjunction with|the Beverly Hills Police Department has come up with a new policy|on after-prom parties.
If you are caught|at an after-prom party where alcohol is being served,|you will be suspended.
If you're suspended,|you will have to go to summer school.
So you're saying that one party|can ruin my whole summer? Yes, it can.
|So think about the consequences.
Attend the school-sanctioned|post-prom party only, be smart and safe on prom night.
- Okay, what were you thinking?|- My dad begged me, guilted me, and then promised to buy me|whatever prom dress I wanted.
- I certainly hope you're getting Chanel.
|- Seriously.
- Not that I have a prom date yet.
|- Hey, Annie.
So how do you know|the dork-asaurus? Charlie Pinkwater? Oh, he is very big|in the world of stage crew.
Hey, maybe Charlie Pinkwater|could take you to the prom.
- Shut up.
No way.
|- Oh, right, he probably saw the video.
Am I ever gonna live it down? Of course you will, honey.
I mean,|Mariah Carey got over "Glitter," right? Not helping.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What is this? It's a California horn shark.
See the spots?|The large pectoral fins? Why didn't you take the test? It only counts for 20 percent|of your grade.
I have an 85 average,|so even with a zero, I'll still have a 68, which means I'll pass.
I don't get you, Liam.
I mean,|what are you trying to prove? You're clearly a smart kid.
|You got a lot of potential.
Why are you throwing it away? You know, it's too bad|I'm not from the inner city.
Then you could inspire me|to win the academic decathlon with your tough, but earnest coaching|and wise platitudes about life.
They could even make|a major motion picture.
You can go.
- O Captain my Captain!|- Very nice.
- Mr.
Matthews, you want to see me?|- Yeah.
I have great news.
Can you follow me|to the living room, please? The couch goes in here.
Facing the fireplace|or facing the windows? - The window.
|- Fireplace.
The window.
|You wanna always prioritize the view.
You have much to learn, grasshopper.
I still can't believe you wanted to buy|a white leather couch.
God, you are so L.
- Hey, can I ask your advice?|- Yeah, no white leather pants either.
Okay, so I'm sort of, whatever,|seeing this guy Liam.
He likes me.
I'm not sure if he knows|he likes me, but I know he likes me.
He just has a really,|really bad case of relationship phobia.
But I want him|to go to the prom with me.
Well, if you wanna get a man to do|what you want, you pull a "Lysistrata.
" What's that,|like an inner-thigh muscle? No.
The play by Aristophanes, where women withhold sex|to get what they want.
What if what they want is sex? You have a lot to learn, grasshopper.
Don't touch that.
Don't touch that.
Okay, so do you wanna be|good cop this time or bad cop? I was the bad cop with David Harris|last week.
That was your bad cop?|I thought you were being the good cop.
That was the bad cop|with the heart of gold.
Is that what that was? - Okay, I am gonna be bad cop.
|- Yes.
Wow, both of you.
I had no idea|I could expect a threesome.
Sit down, Liam.
Is this about Matthews? Because I'm telling you,|that man does not appreciate art.
I will cut to the chase.
|Your father called us yesterday.
Oh, wow.
|Well, I haven't talked to him in ten years.
What'd he say? Where's he been? - Were you referring to my stepdad?|- Right, your stepfather.
He's concerned about you, Liam.
He thinks that you are detached,|anti-social, not committed to this school.
"Committed"|being the operative word.
This isn't a joke, Liam.
He requested your records.
|He's looking at military schools.
You don't wanna go|to a military school.
You know what?|Maybe he does.
I have brochures.
No, Kel, he doesn't need those.
Look, there's not much time left|before the end of the year.
You make a little effort, study hard|for your finals, bring up your grades Oh, here we go.
Show willingness to get involved|with the community at West Beverly.
How? Join a pep squad? Student council?|The Wild Cat Crooners? Frankly, any of those things|could help at this point.
He just needs to see|that you're making an effort.
Plenty of options.
So how tan do you wanna go? I'm not sure.
Never done this before.
My friend just said|everybody goes tanning before prom.
Oh, it's for prom?|Why didn't you just say so? All right, we'll go with|weekend in Barbados.
As long as it's not too dark.
|I don't wanna look silly or anything.
Oh, you won't look silly.
|You'll look awesome.
Oh, God, I love prom.
- Are you psyched?|- Yeah.
I'm just not the most experienced|prom-goer.
Turn around.
Bum to me.
Well, you came to the right person.
All right, here's what you need to do.
You need to get your hair blown out,|your eyebrows done.
- You have to get acrylic nails.
|- Nails? Really? Well, yeah.
|You don't wanna stand out, do you? - No, definitely not.
|- Okay, good.
Now, let's see.
The day of This is very important.
- Shave everywhere.
- Hello?|- What's up? Oh, not much.
|Just reading a classic Greek play.
So listen, do you wanna|go to the prom with me? - Yeah, sure.
|- Cool.
So look, I'll talk to you tomorrow,|all right? Yeah, sounds good.
Oh, my God! Oh my God! Oh, my God! Oh my God!|Oh, my God! Take your seats.
Seats, everybody.
Put your tucheses in your chairs if you know what's good|for your health.
- What is that supposed to mean?|- Nothing.
Wondering how long it's gonna take|for you to drop the nice-girl act.
Did it ever occur to you|that maybe it's not an act? - Maybe I'm just a nice person?|- Not really.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
Could you all pick a partner? - Hey, Annie.
Do you have a partner?|- Nope.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen,|the first part of CPR is Hey, so I happen to hear|through the grapevine - that you might be prom eligible?|- What? All of which is a long introduction|to a question I'd like to pose.
That question being, would you possibly want to go|to the sophomore prom with me? which brings us|to the ABCs of CPR.
Yes, sure, Charlie.
|I would love to go to prom with you.
I would be thrilled.
Hey, come on.
Pretty sharp, huh? No.
Girls, I'm telling you,|are not into the flashy stuff.
They just want it simple, classy,|like James Bond.
All right, fine.
|Would James Bond use a cane? No, he would not.
Hey, I got picked for the All-American|Lacrosse camp this summer.
Shut up.
That's You know what? I'm so impressed,|I can't even be jealous.
- Yeah, it's pretty cool.
|- Cool? You're set, man.
There's scouts all over that camp.
They see you, you get recruited, you get a scholarship|to any college you want.
Damn, bro.
Your whole life,|it just got figured out.
I guess.
And I was just planning|on going to Montana this summer.
You know, visit my dad,|take a road trip.
But now it's gonna be nothing but|wind sprints and shooting drills for me.
- Sounds pretty amazing to me.
|- What sounds amazing? - Hi.
|- Hi.
Ethan here just got tapped|for the All American Lacrosse camp.
What? That is amazing.
I forget sometimes|you're like King Jock.
Yeah, me too.
|Anyway, I'm gonna head out.
Well, how goes|the online tux shopping? You guys got accessories|and whatever picked out? Well, I'm not going, but I think|we got Dixon all squared away.
- What do you mean you're not going?|- I don't have a date.
Well, you should just go with us.
|I mean, you don't need a date.
- We're all basically going as a group.
|- Yeah, we got a pretty sick ride.
Come on, I could really use|the moral support.
Please? - Yeah, sure.
See you guys later.
|- All right, man.
Hey, yo, I'm gonna get you this top hat,|all right? No, please do not.
- What is this?|- He asked for it.
- He said|- You are not He said I should|go for that T-Pain look.
All right, only you.
|Only you can pull it off.
I could pull it off.
I think I can.
We are going to Navid's.
Dad, his parents are gonna be there.
|It's not a party.
I am not asking you to be a tattletale.
I am just saying|that if there is an illegal, non-school sponsored after party,|I think that you should tell me about it.
- Harry.
|- What? Sweetheart, this is a Beverly Hills|party we are talking about.
I grew up here, I went to these parties,|and there were drugs, sex, booze.
- What did I miss?|- Oh, you know, just Dad telling an intoxicating story|about his degenerate peers.
And I do mean intoxicating.
Honey, Silver could have stayed|for dinner.
Oh, no, no, it's I don't know.
|She had a lot of homework and stuff.
- Did you find a tux?|- Yeah.
You know, it's pretty boring though.
|But it's cool.
All I care about|is Silver having a good time.
If she has a good time and she sees|West Bev isn't such a bad place, I'll bet she'll come back to school|next year.
Yeah, well, I hope it works out.
I just don't want you|to get your hopes up.
I appreciate it, Mom, but don't worry|about me.
I got this.
I got this.
So, Dixon, where were you saying|that after-prom party was again? Okay, this is so pretty.
- Too sweet for me.
|- I'll try it.
I don't imagine that you have|any maternity prom dresses? Well, of course.
Come here.
- You know what you should do?|- No.
Call Jaws, like,|the last possible moment, tell him you're sick,|then you can find another date.
- He'll never know.
|- I am not saying that I'm sick.
Becky, I can't decide.
|These all look so good on me.
I may get all of these|and then ask Jen's advice later.
No problem.
Credit card.
Okay, ladies, what do you think? - It's so pretty.
|- But not you.
I'm really just going for Dixon.
|I don't wanna stand out.
- Okay, I'm gonna go try on my dress.
|- Shoes.
You know what we could do?|Run over your legs with my car.
Okay? I'm not exactly crazy|about your prom date either, FYI.
You know what, Annie?|You need to get onboard.
Liam is clearly|over his commitment issues.
Why else would he have invited me|to come with him? You're right.
I'm sorry.
|I'm just glad that you're happy.
I am.
Hey, Naomi.
Had a bit of a problem.
|Your card was declined.
- Jen?|- Don't track mud on the rugs.
- Jen, I need to ask you something.
|- Oh, wait.
First, let me show you my prom dress.
Your what? Ryan Matthews|asked me to be his date.
I thought I'd go as a lark.
Anyway, how hilarious is it to wear|couture to the sophomore prom? Yeah, pretty hilarious.
Listen, Jen,|my Amex was declined today.
I called our business manager.
|She said I reached my limit.
I didn't know|the card even had a limit.
Oh, my God, how mortifying.
I didn't know|I was paying for everything.
I mean, the furniture, the paintings,|the couture.
It all went on my card, didn't it? I'm sorry.
I don't get it.
I thought you worked out|the whole wiring-money business? What's going on? God.
The truth is, I lied to you.
This is so embarrassing.
I'm in a bit of a pinch financially.
I invested in the market|at the wrong time.
But it'll all turn around.
|I mean, the market is looking up.
But in the short term, I'm a bit strapped.
I'm sorry.
I am truly, truly sorry.
It's okay.
I just - Why did you lie to me?|- I I'm the big sister.
|I wanted to take care of you.
I didn't want you|to have to take care of me.
I'm glad to help.
I really am.
But if I am paying for everything, then I get to choose the couch.
- We're going with white leather.
|- Okay.
White leather it is.
One second.
- You ready?|- I can't.
I'm sorry.
|I thought I could, but I can't.
Come on, baby,|I know you can do this.
Everyone's gonna be staring at me.
Not if you walk by me.
I mean, hello.
|Eight months pregnant.
Yeah, if things get bad,|you can hide behind her stomach.
Come on, baby,|I know you can do this.
- Yes.
|- Okay.
Come on, man.
- Can we just go inside?|- Oh, sure.
Do you think that they shot|"The Poseidon Adventure" here? Look at that jerk.
Hey, don't worry about Ty.
All those sleepless nights deciding whether or not|to raise a baby.
He should know about that.
|He should know what it's been like.
I'm gonna tell him that right now.
Have a seat.
I'm fine.
It's just a false labor pain.
There's a difference|between false labor pains and fake labor pains? Just ignore Ty.
Now, that's really unfair.
|You should be up there.
- Oh, no, no, really, that's okay.
|- No, you should be.
You're one of the five prettiest girls|at West Bev.
I guess it's just because you're new.
I'm nominated for Prom King? Silver, hey.
|I'm really glad you could make it.
Me too.
See? What did I tell you?|Everybody's being nice, huh? Sure.
I'm sorry, you're right.
|Everyone's being nice.
They're treating me|like I have a terminal disease, - but they're being nice.
|- That's not true.
Come on.
Yeah, whatever, I'm fine.
|I can deal with this for one night, right? I go ooh ooh, you go ah ah La la la la, la la la la|I can't lie, lie, lie, lie, lie I wanna wanna wanna|Get get get what I want, don't stop Gimme gimme gimme|What you got got 'Cause I can't wait wait wait|Any more more more Don't even talk|About the consequence 'Cause right now you're the only thing|That's making any sense to me - Come on.
|- Look, teachers don't dance.
- Does this count as dancing?|- I think that's okay.
Okay, but what if I do this? Is that okay? And what if we just sway|back and forth like this? Is that okay? I wanna introduce you|to a friend of mine.
- Hey, Kelly.
|- Jen.
- Miss Taylor.
|- You two know each other? Miss Taylor|was my guidance counselor - back in the good old days.
|- Call me Kelly, please.
Wow, how about that? - Oh, cool band, huh?|- Yeah.
I got like 20 cases of beer, and Topher's brother brought over|vodka, gin, whiskey, bourbon Wait, are whiskey and bourbon|the same thing? Anyway, all we have to do|is bring it in from the garage after my parents leave|for Palm Springs.
- It's gonna be so much fun.
|- Thank you, Phoebe Abrams.
- This has been fun.
|- Oh, yeah, totally.
We'll have to go out again sometime,|you know, under less formal circumstances.
Look, Charlie, I'm not interested.
- Then why did you say yes?|- Well, you asked.
- And you said you'd be thrilled.
|- Well, I didn't have a date, and I knew how much|you wanted to go with me.
- So it was a pity date?|- I was just trying to be nice.
You know what would have been nice?|Being honest with me.
I could have asked a girl|who actually wanted to go with me.
Who actually was thrilled.
You know what?|Take your pity and shove it.
The lights are out|And I barely know you We're going up|And the place is slowing down I knew you'd come around You captivated me|Something about you has got me - Hey.
|- Hey, how are you? So where's this Liam|I've heard so much about? Will you be mine tonight? Take me on the floor - Seems like the life of the party.
|- Oh, yeah.
He's not a prom person.
He's just here for me.
- He really likes me.
|- I'm sure he does.
Just take me on the floor I can give you more You kill me, you kill me, you kill Can I borrow this mic for a second?|Thank you.
Hey, everybody.
|Quick announcement.
I just I wanna tell you|that I am really stoked about the after-prom party|at Phoebe Abrams' house tonight.
I will be there|with a bunch of my friends from the Beverly Hills|Police Department.
So anyway, I'll see you there.
|Carry on.
Who the hell told him? I know who it was.
Hello, Miss Taylor.
- Kelly.
|- Kelly.
How funny that you and I would end up|having the same taste in men? - I'm sorry?|- Didn't you and Ryan? Oh, come on.
|I was totally picking up vibes.
Yes, we dated briefly a while ago.
I thought so.
|I'm rarely wrong about vibes.
You know,|I think academics are terribly sexy.
And I don't just mean teachers.
|When I was at Yale, I briefly dated someone|in the registrar's office.
- You don't say.
|- He was pretty much a bore, actually.
Although I did get to read|my recommendation letters from high school.
That was sweet.
Most of them were rather glowing.
There was one though|that was slightly less than glowing.
I wrote that letter|because it's my job to give the colleges an honest appraisal of the students.
You said that in your opinion, I was a narcissist|with no moral compass.
Did you really think Yale|was gonna listen to you, a guidance counselor? I had an impeccable transcript.
|I was president of the senior class.
I'm a legacy.
I got in early.
You stole Liz Hardigan's term paper.
God, you're still on about that?|You're like Ahab.
Man, such a busybody.
Drop the innocent act, okay? Because I know what kind of person|you really are.
Self-centered, devious, willing to do|whatever it takes to get what you want.
Oh, take it easy, okay?|I haven't even slept with him yet.
No, this has nothing to do with Ryan.
It has to do with you stealing that girl's|term paper out of the teacher's desk all so you can beat her out|as valedictorian.
I am appalled|that you think so little of me.
Simply appalled.
Oh, hey, being that|you're a guidance counselor, maybe you could give me|a little guidance about Ryan? Tell me, Miss Taylor,|what does he like in bed? Ladies and gentlemen,|welcome to the Prommies.
Tonight, we have a terrific bunch|of nominees.
And I'm sure they would all agree|it's an honor to be nominated.
But it sucks to lose.
So without further ado, the prom king is Dixon Wilson.
Well, this is pretty cool.
All right, Dixon.
I want you guys to give it up|for my fellow nominees, who are also very, very cool.
Thank you, guys.
Way to go, Dixon! And now, the moment|you've all been waiting for, the sophomore prom queen.
And might I say,|you're all lovely ladies.
Not my type, but lovely.
It seems that the winner is a write-in.
What? Is that fair? And the Prommie goes to Erin Silver.
Get up there, Erin! Go get up there! See? I told you|everybody supports you.
Did you do this?|Did you get everybody to write me in? Well, it was my idea,|but everybody here likes you, Silver.
Go get your Prommie.
Thank you guys so much.
I'll tell you,|this has been a hard year for me.
It's made me question everything.
Who I am, what I like,|what I'm all about.
So thank you for reminding me.
This is not me.
I hate proms.
I do.
|I'm sorry, but I really do.
They're all about conformity|and popularity and all these things I really detest.
All I wanted recently was to fit in.
And I tried really hard.
|I mean, look at me.
I paid good money|Real, human Earth dollars.
- To have some foul-smelling|orange chemicals sprayed on my body to approximate the effect|of sun damage.
I have pieces of|God knows what kind of toxic plastic superglued to my fingernails.
And these shoes are hideously,|hideously painful.
At this moment, I'm telling you,|I cannot for the life of me feel my toes.
And I wanna feel my toes.
So maybe I am a freak.
But that is better than being some weird|zombie, prom-loving loser.
I don't know exactly who I am,|but I do know who I am not.
And I am no prom queen.
Let me help you with that.
So thanks, but no thanks.
All right, Silver.
- Hello, Ethan.
|- Hey, Mr.
So listen, I'm not gonna go|to the lacrosse camp.
- What?|- I'm gonna visit my dad in Montana.
Go backpacking|for a couple months.
Well, are you sure? I mean,|you're giving up a huge opportunity.
There's gonna be|college scouts there.
I know, but, look, I may not be sure|what I'm about exactly, but it's not Lacrosse.
I know that.
Why'd you tell your dad|about my party? - I didn't.
|- Yeah, right.
- Wait, is that what everyone thinks?|- They don't think, they know.
Everyone saw you in your dad's video,|Annie.
You're a rat.
- I didn't tell my dad.
|- Of course you didn't.
- Then why do people think I did?|- Who cares what people think? - I'll be right back, okay?|- Yeah.
Hey, I've been looking|everywhere for you.
Thank you for getting everyone|to write my name in.
It was just what I needed.
You know? It, like, woke me up.
I feel so much better.
I wanna come back|to West Beverly, Dixon.
I'm ready to come back.
That's great.
What's wrong? You okay? Why do you care?|I'm just a zombie, prom-loving loser.
That speech was awesome.
It's such a drag|they don't serve any liquor.
Yeah, well,|it is a sophomore prom, so - Sorry, I have to take this.
|- Yeah, no problem.
- Hurry back.
|- I will.
- Hey, can I talk to you for a second?|- Yeah, sure.
What's up? There's something|that you should know.
Jen, not a nice person.
I know her pretty well,|and she is a compulsive liar.
She's practically a sociopath.
She used to have everybody|snowed over, but not me.
Look, I'm sorry, I should have asked you|if it was cool for me to bring a date.
- I didn't mean to disrespect you.
|- Wait, no, no, no.
I thought we were cool|after that night.
And, you know,|we said no strings attached.
You know what? I'm not jealous.
|I am trying to be a friend here.
I'm not interested in you anymore.
I'm not.
Is there someone else? I've moved on.
That's enough.
I'm hanging up on you, Olivier.
You see,|this is exactly why I want a divorce.
It's nice getting air.
I can tell you were claustrophobic|in there.
I was too, actually.
Have you ever been|on the Paramount lot before? All right, last look.
Oh, look,|they're shooting something.
Wanna walk by|and see if we get discovered? - Definitely not.
|- Yeah, me either.
Wanna walk to New York? So you're probably|one of those people who thinks New York|is better than L.
Give L.
It has everything.
|Mountains, beaches.
- Great weather.
|- There is no weather here.
I miss the snow.
Miss Taylor.
Hey, you two.
I was just getting ready|to head back inside.
Liam, I'm glad to see|you came to the prom.
I'm sure your stepfather|will be glad too.
It's a step in the right direction.
Well, have fun exploring the lot.
What did she mean, your stepfather|would be glad you came? Liam? - What did she mean?|- I don't know.
My stepdad wants me|to get involved with school stuff.
Is that why you asked me|to the prom? What does it matter? I'm here.
You know why it matters?|Because I like you.
Okay? I don't care if it's not cool.
|I'm tired of pretending.
I actually like you.
And everyone said that I was a fool,|you don't treat me right.
And it's true.
I mean, all night you haven't wanted|to dance or take photos or talk.
But still, stupid me|just kept on defending you.
I was like, "Oh, my God,|he invited me to prom.
Oh, my God,|he cleaned out the trash in his car.
Oh, my God, he bought me|a black orchid corsage.
" I mean Why did you get me this corsage? I knew I was supposed to.
But it's a black orchid.
- It's what they had in the store.
|- That's not true.
You have to special order|black orchids.
I know because|they're my favorite flower, but the question is,|how did you know they're my favorite? Did you ask someone? No, I You looked on my Facebook page,|didn't you? You did.
You wanted to learn about me,|so you looked on my Facebook page.
Then you looked|at my personal interests and in between spicy tuna rolls|and the smell of Neiman Marcus, you saw black orchids.
So you went out and ordered one|for me to make me happy.
Because you like me.
Admit it.
You like me.
You like me, don't you? Yeah.
Freeze, don't move a muscle.
- Oh, my God, Harry.
|- Hey, I was being the bad cop.
- So you having fun?|- Oh, yeah, totally.
Okay, not totally.
I tried to give a friend advice.
- I should have just stayed out of it.
|- No, that's not you.
- Right, because I'm a busybody.
|- No, that's not what I meant.
You care about people.
|You're passionate.
And whoever this friend is,|if they can't see that, then he's an idiot.
Or she's an idiot,|but I'm guessing that it's a he.
- Thank you, Harry.
|- I mean it.
It's my wife.
You know,|she wouldn't go to prom with me.
Maybe I should punish her|and not answer.
- Go.
|- All right.
Hey, sweetie.
Excuse me.
- What was that for?|- For being a jackass.
Dude, I'm so sick of looking at you.
Do you know|what Adrianna's gone through? What's wrong with you? Navid.
Navid, my water just broke.
I think I'm going into labor.
Man, your stepfather|sounds like an ass.
What about your mom?|Can't you talk to her? No, she's changed.
We used to be tight, but since she married him|she's totally different.
I don't know, I tell you,|I'd rather be poor than rich and live with him.
- That sucks.
|- Yeah.

Kikavu ?

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